Are you ready to make the life-changing switch to wholesale and take advantage of what ‘going independent’ offers you as a mortgage broker or loan officer? Our team at is here to help you every step of the way.


The fear of the unknown, not wanting to shake things up thinking you’ll have to start over and learn from the ground up – there are all kinds of reasons someone might choose to stay in a job or at a company. In mortgage lending, however, a loan originator can take their skills and expertise and hit the ground running and open a whole new world of opportunity – for themselves and their clients – by switching to wholesale.


A veteran of the mortgage business, Brian was among the top retail loan originators in New Hampshire for 10 straight years. Given his production, it’s no surprise that independent mortgage brokers would often reach out to gauge his interest in joining them.

“I had recruiters that would call me all the time and say, ‘Brian, we want you to come look at what we're doing.’ And I would shoot them down. I'm staying here.”

With no knowledge of how things might be different in the broker channel, Brian never even entertained making a move. Then, he started seeing independent mortgage brokers posting on social media about how fast they were closing loans. It was eye-opening and would ultimately be career-changing for him.

“We started seeing 8-day clear-to-close banners and then 5-day clear to closes. And we just didn't believe it was true,” said Brian. “Then we started to dig in, compare rates, look at the systems and processes. After a year of discovery, it was a no-brainer. I jumped in with both feet, full speed ahead.”


Within 3 weeks of getting licensed, Brian closed his first loan as an independent broker. Now, the diverse set of loan products he can access allows him to come up with solutions for all the needs of his clients.

“They say, ‘If Brian can't do it, nobody can.’ Being a broker gives us the opportunity to say, ‘Hey, that doesn't fit in this box. But I’ve got 65 more boxes.’ We'll get it closed and satisfy that customer.”

 Then there’s the speed Brian was skeptical of before he switched to wholesale. One such deal that stands out to him was a referral from a real estate agent. Brian helped her daughter close on a condo in just 9 days. It was unlike anything he’d ever experienced in retail.  Everything that was said to me is true,” said Brian.


Brian’s business has also taken off thanks to his presence on social media, which he’s been able to custom build as an independent mortgage broker. He has over 160K followers on Instagram and is a recognizable figure in the wholesale channel and also in his local community.

 “This has happened so many times where they just walk in our office and say, ‘I'm here to meet Brian. I follow him on social media and I'm looking at an investment property and I want his advice’.”

By stepping out of his comfort zone to join the broker channel, Brian’s eyes were opened to how much better his career in mortgage lending could be. Now he wants others to experience the same thing.

“One of the things that I really try to embrace is change,” he said. “So many people are afraid of change. So many people drink the Kool-Aid. I will never go back to retail. We are full pedal to the metal right now, trying to get our message out there that retail is dead, and we know it's dead. They just don't know it yet.”